Set up a multilingual disaster information center for foreign residents living in Kawasaki

If disasters like a big typhoon and a major earthquake occur, a multilingual disaster information center will be set up upon request from Kawasaki city.
At the end of this month, we will have a disaster drill at the KIAN center and would like to ask many foreign residents to participate it.

When: November 29, Sunday, 9:30am-12:00pm
Where: The multilingual disaster information center is to be set up inside the Kawasaki International Center or KIAN.
Contact: Kawasaki International Center, TEL:044-435-7000

Please kindly inform us if you are interested in joining the disaster drill. Children also can join it and will receive small treats after the event.

It is said that Japan is one of the famous countries which are hit by big disasters. 'You can never be too prepared'
