Anti-Rubella Measures

When you get Rubella virus, you will have a fever and get rashes. It is contagious disease.
If a pregnant woman is infected with rubella or german measles, the baby may be born with damage to the eyes, ears, and heart “congenital rubella syndrome”. The city of Kawasaki is taking anti-rubella measures to prevent such congenital illness.

1. Rubella Antibody Test, Free
Eligibility: Residents of Kawasaki who have not previously used the city's anti-rubella program, and fall into any of the following categories:

  1. Women who want to become pregnant.
  2. The partners of women who want to become pregnant.
  3. The partners of pregnant women.

2. Rubella Vaccine, ¥3,200
Eligibility: People who have taken the test above, and need vaccination.
Period: Until 31st of March 2018. Please have the test timely, to ensure that any necessary vaccination can be completed by March 31st.
Application Method: Apply directly at any clinic that can carry out the test. When applying, please take an insurance certificate that proves you are a resident of Kawasaki.

Details of the clinics that can carry out the test are available, in Japanese, from the link below, with further information about the program.
The information is from The Kawasaki City Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents Newsletter No. 60.
