The Society for Loving Kizuki-an (Tea-ceremony house) will organize the gathering on Sunday, September 17.

Why don't you enjoy tea and sweets at the authentic tea room for experience?
Wakei Tea Party for harmony(Wa) and respect(Kei) and Traditional Japanese Dance performance for the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of The Society for Loving Kiduki-an

  • When: September 17 (Sun) 10:00 – 3:00
  • Where: Tea-ceremony house, Kizuki-an, located in Kawasaki International Center
  • Japanese Dance Performance: Wakayagi, Kichihitoshi
  • Fee: ¥1,000 per person

Organized by the Executive Committee of the Tea-ceremony house 'The Society for Loving Kizuki-an' (Tel: 044-866-7729)
Supported by Kawasaki International Association
