Counselling Services for Foreigners on Visa and Others (Free of Charge)

The Gyoseishoshi Lawyer offers foreign residents the counseling services in Japanese on the following.
Contents of Counsel: Visa problem, Extending period of stay, Changing status of residence, Naturalization, Permanent visa, Long term resident visa, Certificate of eligibility, International marriage/divorce, Extraordinary permit of residence by Minister of Justice, Establishing a company/branch of foreign company, Getting licenses for business, etc.
Note: The counseling services are offered in Japanese only. Please bring someone who speaks Japanese in case you don't. If you need an interpreter, please contact Kawasaki International Association (charged). Tel 044-435-7000
Date: April 16, 2017 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Place: Kawasaki International Center
