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Have you filled out your census form yet?

The Population Census requires everybody residing in Japan to respond, regardless of nationality.

Your responses will in no way be used for immigration control, police investigations, or other such purposes.

Please fill out the form completely.

Please seal your completed form in an envelope and hand it to your census worker.

Alternatively, you can submit your form by mailing it to your municipal government.

The data collected from the population census will be used as a baseline for city planning and other measures which benefit foreign residents as well as Japanese citizens.

If you have any questions about the census or if you have not received your form, please contact your municipality’s Census Staff (Tel.:044-200-2070) (in Japanese only).

The Population Census has begun.

As of October 1, the population census is being conducted. The Population Census covers everyone living in Japan regardless of nationality. You are required by law to respond.

Starting at the end of September, Population Census workers will visit all households to distribute census forms.

Please seal your completed form in an envelope and hand it to your census worker. Alternatively, you can submit your form by mailing it to your municipal government.

The data collected from the population census will be used as a baseline for city planning and other measures which benefit foreign residents as well as Japanese citizens.

If you encounter any problems participating in the census, for example, if you do not understand the census form or if you have not received a census form, please contact your municipal government. Foreign language translations are available. (Population Census Staff: TEL: 044-200-2070) (Japanese only)

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